Choice/Open Enrollment Information
If your family lives outside of the Weld-Re-8 boundaries, but would like to be considered for Open Enrollment, or if you are a resident and would like to Choice Enroll into a school other than your neighborhood school, please complete the Choice/Open Enrollment Application and submit to [email protected]. If you're looking to apply for preschool, please visit our Preschool page.
The Choice/Open Enrollment process is through application only. Submission of the application does not guarantee enrollment. Applications will be evaluated according to Board of Education Policy (JFBA, JFBA-R, JFBB, JFBB-R) if space / resources allow.Choice/Open enrollment needs to be completed annually. Choice enrollment may be rescinded annually if the school's growth in enrollment results in inadequate space, resources, or undesirable conditions develop.
Transportation for students granted permission to attend school outside their attendance area must be furnished by their parents. Homeless students, students in foster care, and students with disabilities will be transported as necessary, in accordance with state and federal law.
Choice Enrollment Process:
Step 1: Complete the In-District Choice/Out-of-District Open Enrollment Application Form
Step 2: Submit completed application to the school you are applying to.
Step 3: After receiving written approval letter from the school to which you applied, complete Online Registration through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.