Parents & Students » Parent Resources

Parent Resources

Support for Students and Family

As Weld Re-8 prepares our students for their future: every child, every day, we also want to offer support to the families of our students by providing resources necessary to support and keep our families engaged and successful in this community. If your family is experiencing hardships, please submit the Student Assistance Form and someone will contact you in 2 business days. Student Assistance Form

Interpretation Services

To request interpretation services, please click here:  REQUEST INTERPRETATION SERVICES


          Elementary MEGA:  Susie Tijerina - [email protected]
          Middle/High School MEGA:  Gabriela Rivera - [email protected]

Homeless Assistance: Under the McKinney-Vento act of 1987, students have the right to a public education regardless of their current living conditions. For any questions, please contact your child’s school main office, and they will transfer you to the school’s McKinney Vento liaison.

SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities. SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net. To apply for benefits, or for information about the  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. 

Fort Lupton Public and School Library - Public Library Card - We encourage all students to have a public library card from the public library closest to their home. Take advantage of all that our public library has to offer!

A Child Is Missing

Weld County Multidisciplinary Youth Assessment Team (MYAT)

Weld County Prevention Partners (WCCP)
This website has been created to help educate parents and kids about the dangers of underage drinking and the use of drugs, from marijuana and methamphetamines, to prescription and over-the-counter drugs. You'll also find information about resources in Weld County that can help you and your family in many ways.
School Bullying Policies