School Health

Dear Parents/Guardians:

If your student needs medication, has food allergies or a medical condition that may need treatment during school hours, please make sure we have current information regarding these conditions. Always make sure we have updated contact information for your student on file in the main office.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (303) 857-7276

Thank you,

Paula Samide, RN,MSN,CCM
District School Nurse
Weld Re-8 School Health Team
Paula Samide, RN, MSN, CCM - District School Nurse (Fort Lupton High School)
Vanessa Guerrero, Little Trappers Preschool Health Tech - 303-857-3300
Heather Gibbs, Butler Elementary Health Tech - 303-857-7300
Dawn Younger, Twombly Elementary Health Tech - 303-857-7400
Jasmine Fikany, Homyak PK-8 Health Tech - 303-857-3380
Gloria Estrada, FLMS Health Tech - 303-857-7200
Colorado law requires students who attend a public, private or parochial kindergarten through 12th grade school to be vaccinated against many of the diseases vaccines can prevent, unless a medical or non-medical exemption be filed. For full information about requirements, recommendations and exemptions due to medical or nonmedical reasons, please visit Colorado Department of Health and Environment’s Immunization page.

La ley de Colorado requiere que los estudiantes que asisten a un jardín de infancia público, privado o parroquial hasta el grado 12º grado sean vacunados contra muchas de las enfermedades que las vacunas pueden prevenir, a menos que se exija una exención médica o no médica. Para obtener información completa sobre los requisitos, recomendaciones y exenciones por razones médicas o no médicas, por favor visite Colorado Department of Health and Environment’s Immunization page.
Important Information and Forms